Office Address

Postal Code: 1439817435, Tehran,Iran

Phone Number

+ (98) 21 88356138

Email Address

Recognizing its role and impact on society, INGP takes an active part in creating a new, better quality of life not only for its employees and their families, but also for local communities. The Company also takes an active role in society by providing charity assistance to children's homes, boarding schools, hospitals and veterans' organizations. In order to secure the effective management of knowledge at the Company and to invest in its future, INGP KISH has collaborated for a long time with large-scale specialized educational establishments in the IRAN and russia.

A key priority of INGP is placed on the health, safety and well-being of its employees in all of the Company's business activities. As part of the Company's commitment to Health & Safety, INGP has identified the hazards and risks associated with its activities and invested substantial financial and organizational resources to minimize and eliminate these risks. Additionally, the Company focuses attention on the health of all of its employees. INGP is production facilities are equipped with modern medical canters, where employees receive annual medical check-ups and receive qualified medical help.

INGP also aims to improve the management talent within the Company by providing regular studies at "Master Schools" for its line managers.